I have yet to find a more romantic place than Cornwall.
Romance hangs in the air on secluded beaches that make you think of smugglers
and dark deeds, or on deserted woodland paths where ivy trails from the
surrounding trees fashioning ghostly shapes in the witching hour. There is
exquisite romance in the overgrown garden of old country houses, with their
granite walls glistening in the damp and salty air. Which is why I had chosen Cornwall for the setting of one of my Pride and Prejudice alternate stories, ‘The
Falmouth Connection’.
I love writing Pride and Prejudice what-ifs and designing
various scenarios for our favourite couple. And why is it that so many of us
simply cannot leave Elizabeth and Mr Darcy well alone? Because they are the
perfect couple, little as they know it to begin with, and we want – we need –
so much more of them. Because it’s reassuring to believe that there is such a
thing as destiny; that there is a red thread guiding us through trails and
tribulations towards the happily ever after. Because it’s wonderful to think
that no matter what heartless obstacles are set before them, Elizabeth and Mr
Darcy would still be together, and everything is well in the world.

Let me take you today to beautiful Cornwall, to the secluded
gardens of Cotehele, my inspiration for Landennis Manor in ‘The Falmouth
Connection’. This is a variation that begins at Hunsford around the time
when Mr. Darcy decides to go ahead and make his disastrous first proposal. He
does not get the opportunity – and we all know that it’s for the best. But he has
no inkling and is severely disappointed when Elizabeth is suddenly
summoned to Falmouth to meet a great-aunt she never knew she had. Little does
Mr. Darcy know that as a result they would both become embroiled in a tale of
deceit and peril. There would be smugglers involved, of course – it is
18th century Cornwall after all. But smugglers are the least of Mr. Darcy’s
worries as he finds himself forced to question other people’s motives and
especially Lord Trevellyan’s, a landowner of great consequence whom he suspects
to be a dangerous man and, worse still, a rival. And then there is a
troublesome French connection and all manner of secrets and lies, in a land
that feels alien to Mr. Darcy. A land where few – if any – are what they seem
to be…
So much for the ‘cloak and dagger’.
And the romance?
Do read on and see.
The scene is set in a garden very
much like this one:
But you will have to imagine it in the middle of the night.
It’s very late and there is no moon, not anymore. It’s very dark, much darker
than in this nighttime picture. Too dark, in fact, to see what is before your
very eyes. A few hours earlier, Elizabeth had been obliged to venture out – and
she had found more than she had bargained for in the woods surrounding her
great-aunt’s gardens. And now she is returning to the house after a series of
troublesome encounters, only to discover that the eventful night is not over
Breathless with the swift trek uphill and with the
terrors of the night, Elizabeth hurried to the house. The garden door would not
be open, surely. Would they hear her if she knocked? Perhaps not. Perhaps she
should walk around to the main entrance.
She rushed forth noiselessly over the damp grass – and
stumbled into something or someone in the darkness, only to find herself caught
and held tightly in strong arms that would not let her fall, yet at the same
time prevented all escape!
Before the cry of utter horror could leave her lips, a
deep voice, warm and earnest, stilled her struggles and set her thoroughly at
ease – for she would have recognised that voice anywhere.
“Sshh. You are safe. You are safe. You need not fear me.
Forgive me for startling you thus! You have nothing to fear. Thank goodness,
you are safe!”
The words did not sink in. Not yet. Not quite. But their
fervent cadence reached her, along with the overwhelming certainty that this
was not some unknown aggressor. It was Mr. Darcy – and she clung to the folds
of his cloak with all her might, shaking like a leaf. Not for fear, though. The
fear vanished as though it never was, to be replaced by the strangest weakness.
Had he not held her, she might have collapsed, for her knees felt useless,
about to give way, and her head was swimming.
‘It must be the shock,’ some wispy threads of reason
sensibly claimed, but at this point she could barely heed them.
Still shaking, and still gripping the folds of his cloak
with trembling fingers, she could not think straight. She could only feel. And
the only feeling she could readily identify, from the tumult and confusion that
seemed to reign inside her, was unspeakable relief that at long last this was
someone she could fully trust. Someone who came from her own safe, sane world,
and not from this terrifying other, where one could not tell one’s friends from
one’s foes!
She was not cold – at least she did not think she was –
and yet she felt herself shaking from head to foot with a violent shiver. Or
was it a sob? Or both? Most certainly a sob this time, and then another, deep
and wracking. She could not control them, which was terrifying in itself. She
struggled for breath – and yet did not withdraw from the tight clasp of those
arms, but unconsciously drew nearer.
Support and succour and safe haven. How strange that she
had never felt as safe before. It was the oddest certainty that nothing could
harm her now, and the relief made her positively dizzy, after the events of
this long night, without a doubt the most frightful she had experienced in her
entire tame existence.
The sobs subsided, tempered by the novel thought, and no
less by the equally novel, barely perceptible sensations. A light touch of warm
lips on her brow, sliding to her temple. Cold fingertips brushing against her
cheek – and yet the trail of their caress was not cold at all. It was hot. And
tingling. Another touch of a cold fingertip on her lower lip, in a light
stroke, so light that she could barely feel it.
Her senses, previously dulled by the dizzying weakness, came
suddenly alive, like hissing candles lit in very quick succession. She felt his
breath upon her cheek, warm, rapid and uneven, and her own breath turned fast
and shallow, as though to match the pace of his – then grew faster still when
the narrow gap was closed, and his lips touched her cheekbone. They lingered
there, dropping light, feathery kisses, and the cold fingertips were on her
chin now, tilting her face upwards – or perhaps she had already done so of her
own accord; she truly could not tell.
“Elizabeth…” she heard him whisper, his lips still
trailing a soft line on her cheek, and then the whisper gave way to a harsh
intake of breath – and his lips were on hers. No longer soft and tentative, but
searching. Deepening the kiss, over a length of time that seemed to be measured
in thundering heartbeats. Her eyes flew open, yet she could barely see his
face. The moon had long since hidden behind clouds and they were in the deepest
shadows. She reached up, her hands seeking blindly until her fingertips
encountered the hard jaw, the cheeks, ever so slightly rough, not perfectly
clean-shaven any longer, and she explored their shape, strangely glad of the
darkness as she stroked their contours, never before touched, yet ever so
familiar just the same.
Under her touch, the jaw tensed, and she could hear his
breath becoming ragged as the kiss deepened even further into something her
thoughts could not encompass. In truth, there was no room for thoughts, not
anymore – otherwise she might as well begin to wonder what on earth was she
doing in the gardens of Landennis in the middle of the night, kissed breathless
by none other than Mr. Darcy, whose offer of marriage she had refused a
few hours ago!
There was no sense, no reason, just the exquisite
kiss and the night that suddenly felt warm and gloriously perfect, after the
reign of fear and of doubt. Come to think of doubt though, she might as well
begin to doubt her sanity for allowing this to happen – but as his hands roamed
across her back, clasping her so fiercely that she could barely breathe, she
closed her eyes again, relishing the madness and the bewildering sensation of
homecoming, into strong arms that would keep her safe.
If this sufficiently
romantic ;) ? If so, I hope you'd like the rest. Thanks for visiting and I
would love to hear from you.