I'm at that stage in my current book - Wild Justice- where it's threequarters finished and I'm galloping down the home stretch. That part is really exciting. But though I want to reach the end and for the crises to be resolved, when I get there I have to say goodbye to characters I've lived with and cared about for almost a year. That will be really hard. It's also the reason that as soon as I've cleared out my office, which looks like a cross between a burglary and an explosion, and sorted out the research material I'll need, I shall start the next book.
Meanwhile, I'm delighted to announce that Magna Large Print have offered for Devil's Prize and this edition should be available in the autumn.
Some additional and really pleasing news is that Chivers and Thorndike have just taken the last two of my 14 Mills & Boon novels written under the name of Dana James for Large Print here and in the US. As these were written in the 1980s and early 90s, to have them re-issued for a new readership is a great thrill. As I don't yet have a cover for the large print edition of Devil's Prize to show you, I thought you might like to see one of the LP Dana James jackets.
Jane Jackson
Great news Jane. It is always exciting when books written so long ago are given a new life and reach a brand new readership. Congratulations.
Kate Tremayne
Congratulations Jane!
Your description of your office made me laugh, I'm sure there are lots of us out there with similar habits. I like to see it tidy but somehow I can never find anything once it's been sorted out.
Jane said...
Thanks so much, Kate.
Jane, you're absolutely right. To someone else it may look like chaos, but I know where everything is.
One of the reasons for sorting and tidying is that it's a symbolic letting go and moving on from that book so I'm mentally and emotionally cleared to begin the next.
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