The digital version of
A Suitable Husband has recently been released by AUK- an English company that is better known in the publishing world for producing digital books for mainstream publishers. They offer no editing, just preparation of the manuscript and a cover. However, the contract states that the author guarantees the manuscript has been professionally edited. I much prefer the digital cover - what do you think?
Robert hale Cover |
Lots of writers are going down the self publishing route with varying degrees of success; some have sold many thousands others only a handful. Not being technical in the slightest I decided AUK could do the things that I couldn't and I wouldn't have to endure hours of frustration or get a cover designed. I'll let you know whether I think my decision was a sound one.
AUK Cover
A Suitable Husband was my second book released by Robert Hale and was published in 2006. Reading it with hindsight, after having written more than thirty books, I could see several things I wouldn't do now. However, I still love my hero - an ex-soldier based closely on Sean Bean's betrayal of Sharpe - and there's enough action and romance to keep you turning the page. If you missed
A Suitable Husband six years ago then you can now access it on your Kindle or other digital device.
All my books are available as e-books - either with Musa/Aurora or regencyreads.
Fenella Miller
Lovely cover - one of Frederick Leighton's paintings? It's certainly his style.
Is it? I thought they had done it themselves as it has the several relevant things in it. Thanks for that.
i prefer digital copies of books. e-books are more portable since you can read it with out the actual book. its edges wont fold and you can use your phone to read it.
I preferred reading Diane Gabaldon's
Cross stitch's on Kindle -I've bought the next two but the print is far too small for comfortable reading.
Call me old fashioned, but I am very much addicted to the smell of a new book. I will have a hard time meeting up with the times.
I shall always buy the print version of books I want to keep. Digital is great but lets hope we keep both.
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