Monday, March 06, 2006

Creating a web site

I have just signed off my new - and first -website. The process was about as fraught as writing a novel, despite an absolutely marvellous web designer. Adam sent me a detailed questionnaire to which the answers to most of the questions were 'I haven't a clue, don't understand the question, can manage the adverbs' or 'I'm not sure what I want, I'll know it when I see it'.
Rule Number One for this is obviously, 'Get a patient web designer!

I asked for simple, clear, easy to navigate and non-gimmicky, and I think I've got it - but oh my goodness, the problems along the way. Things I thought would look great, didn't and my obsession with putting bookjackets everywhere was obviously baffling, but we got there in the end.

Now I can emerge blinking into the sunlight and get on with the work in progress, which is set in Corfu in 1816 and has pirates in it. There are times when I just love research!

Come and visit me on

Louise Allen


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I like it! Friendly and welcoming, yet also elegant and uncluttered.

  2. Anonymous11:51 AM

    The website looks great. There's a lot of information, but it's all easy to find.
