Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Just a little bit excited

In two days time my novel Perfidy and Perfection is officially out. Perfidy and Perfection is a romantic comedy and an affectionate tribute to Jane Austen. The heroine is a Regency author who is struggling with her writing until a hero comes into her life. She thinks he'd be the perfect hero for her story. He wants to marry her but in trying to win her he tricks her!

So it's all been a bit busy. On Monday I did an interview on my local BBC radio station and yesterday with a local newspaper. Today I'm worrying about Saturday when I'm doing my first book signing at a local bookshop (Ottakars, St Albans, Herts. If you live locally come along and say hello! I'll be in store from 11am to 1pm.)

On Sunday I'm at the International Napoleonic Fair in St Albans, Herts along with other Regency UK authors Fenella-Jane Miller, Louise Allen and Melinda Hammond.

Actually, I'm really excited about it. We're doing readings, signings, talks and we're there to try and promote Regency-set fiction to a wider audience. Oh, and there will be lots of redcoated soldiers who won't mind if I want to examine their uniforms and weapons very closely.

To treat myself for this big day I ordered a lovely dark green silk and felt bonnet from period hatmakers Kitty Hats. It arrived in a big box in the post yesterday and I was going to snap a picture of it to put on my blog today except I forgot. However, it looks like the bonnets worn by the ladies worn in the picture on the left.

I know that many people can't be in St Albans this weekend so I'm having an online celebratory party to launch Perfidy and Perfection later in April. You'll all invited! Watch this space for details or if you'd like me to email you an invitation, drop me a line.

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