The Steepwood Scandals - In November 1811 the inhabitants of the Steepwood Abbey villages are delighting in the tastiest item of gossip in a long time - The Marquis of Sywell's wife of less than a year has disappeared... taking the family jewels with her! Meanwhile, life in the villages goes on, with others having their own stories to tell of love and romance, all of which in the end will solve the mystery of the Steepwood Scandal...
Harlequin Mills and Boon are republishing the Regency Series The Steepwood Scandals in 8 books from November 2006. The series includes books by Anne Herries, Elizabeth Bailey and Sylvia Andrew.
The Steepwood Scandals website is now up and running and has information on the series and a special contest to win books by the Steepwood authors. The series also has a beautiful set of book covers taken from original paintings.
Best wishes
Nicola Cornick
On the one hand I'm glad they're being republished, because it was a very enjoyable series, but on the other hand I'm a bit miffed that I've spent so much time and effort trying to find all the books second-hand when, if I'd known, I could just have waited and got them new. Oh well.
ReplyDeleteEventually I suppose it'll get easier to find back-lists now that eHarlequin are selling books in eBook format, though at the moment they've only got a very few books online. I don't know if it's possible to buy them from the UK, though, as I haven't tried.
The new covers for the Steepwood series look like they'll be in the same style as those of the Lords and Ladies collection.