Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Marianne And The Marquis

I popped in to say hello after weeks of not being able to post. I am sorry it has been so long. I will write some more of The Regency Lady's Journal soon and put up, but I have been snowed under with all kinds of work. for today I just want to post this apology and a picture of my new Regency which is due out in paperback in August. It is the first in a new trilogy. This one is about the Reverend Horne's daughters. After their father dies they have to leave the Vicarage and it looks as if the future is bleak for the family. But that is before Marianne meets Drew - a man involved in a secret mission. It is a long time before she realises that he is a marquis! As usual it is a lot of fun and lovely romance.
Love to you all, Anne Herries

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Good to hear from you, Anne. The new trilogy sounds great and I love the cover. I shall look out for this in August.
