Saturday, October 25, 2008

A trilogy in four parts!

I have just finished writing the third story in my Regency trilogy, The Aikenhead Honours so I can now give you provisional publication dates.

In the USA and Canada, the three stories are to be published in consecutive months. Dominic’s story — His Cavalry Lady — should be published in March 2009; Leo’s story — His Reluctant Mistress — should be published in April 2009; Jack’s story, the third (but not final!) part of the trilogy — His Forbidden Liaison — should be out in May 2009.

In the UK, His Cavalry Lady was published last month (September 2009). The hardbacks of books two and three will be out in the same months as the North American editions. The paperbacks will be in the shops two months later: that’s His Reluctant Mistress in June 2009 and His Forbidden Liaison in July 2009, though they will probably be available earlier on the Mills & Boon website.

I’m afraid I have no information yet about dates in other markets such as Australia/NZ but I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything. And I’m sorry that those UK readers who have already read Dominic’s story will have to wait so long for the next one. I admit it’s my fault; I just couldn’t write them any faster.

As I said, this is to be a trilogy in four parts! Yes, I do know that’s a contradiction in terms. It happened like this. There are actually four heroes in these books: the three Aikenhead brothers (Dominic, Leo and Jack) and Ben, Jack’s best friend. Together, the four of them make up the Aikenhead Honours spying ring. I hadn’t intended to give Ben his own story, but my editor suggested I might like to write it as a novella, for Harlequin’s new historical e-book line, Undone. So that’s what I’m planning to do. And that’s why this trilogy will, in the end, have four parts.

I hope that you enjoy them all. There is already an extract of Dominic’s book on my website. My next task is to put up extracts of Leo’s book and Jack’s. As for Ben’s story… Well, I have to write that one first! I’m hoping that the e-book will be published at the same time as Jack’s story, in May 2009, on the Harlequin website, so that you don’t have to wait to find out what happens. After all, it's potentially a matter of life and death, since he has a bullet in him...



  1. ...since he had a bullet in him...

    And you are going to leave us with that UNTIL NEXT YEAR?????

  2. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Loved His Cavalry Lady, so can't wait!

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Thanks, Louise and Jan.

    So sorry, Jan, I just couldn't resist adding that. And it IS true. Poor Ben. But he does get his own love story -- or he will once I've written it -- and all my love stories have happy endings, so maybe his future isn't so dire???


  4. Congratulations - so many books, I'm not surprised you couldn't write any faster - I don't know how you do it!

  5. I loved "His Calvary Lady". We have to wait so long for the others! But I'll be right there to buy them when they're available.
