Sunday, May 24, 2009

My latest Regency from Mills & boon

I think this is my day. I haven't made it here for a while so apologies if I have it wrong.

The first in the Hanover Square trilogy was published this month and the paperback for the next - An Innocent Debutante in Hanover Square is in paperback in September. The third should hopefully be out either in December or January. That will be the Mistress of Hanover Square.

I have been busy working on a huge manuscript for mainstream and I have my fingers crossed for news soon. Meanwhile various ebook and print versions have been coming out. Cassie's Shiekh and Chateau Despair are now in print here as well as America.

Love to you all, Anne Herries, Linda Sole


  1. Congratulations Linda on so many successes. All rightly deserved. Good luck (not that your talent needs it) with the big fat mainstream novel. Sounds intriguing don't keep us in suspense too long when the good news breaks.

  2. I am in awe at the sheer amount of writing you do! Congratulations! Wonderful news. Do keep us posted about the mainstream.
