Monday, August 17, 2009

Past and Present: living history

From Jane Jackson:

One of the highlights of Falmouth Sailing Week was a superb display by the Red Arrows. Here they are flying over Pendennins Castle, built by Henry Vlll, and the last Royalist stronghold during the English Civil War. There was a buzz in the crowd watching on Flushing Bowling Green, laid out during the era of the Packet ships that carried mail all over the world, that one of the pilots was a woman. Everyone agreed it was a fine thing. Then one chap added, "So long as she don't have to park it."
This second photo is of Falmouth Marine Band famous - or should that be notorious - throughout Cornwall. (For further information Google Falmouth Marine Band/Visit Cornwall - their rendition of Falmouth Marine Band plays Pavarotti is an unforgettable experience) These are last year's uniforms. The uniforms are changed every year and the new one unveiled on the night of Falmouth Carnival. This year they are paying homage to the film Zulu, with the red coats and white pith helmets of the 24th Foot in Mouth.
However, last year's uniforms had to be worn on this particular evening as, following Ye Ancient Ceremony of Ye Toss, to decide who had to be the French, the marine band took on a combined force of the local RNLI crew plus additional men from the working boats (the last fleet of oyster dredging boats working under sail) in a re-enactment of the Battle of Trafalgar held on - and off - Custom House Quay in Falmouth.
History is alive and kicking (and occasionally screaming) here in Falmouth.


  1. All sounds fabulous, Jane!

  2. Jane Jackson8:33 AM

    Thanks, Jan. The band really are a terrific bunch. They resurrected the walking carnival after massive insurance costs killed off the lorry floats. You will have heard of fife and drum bands? FMB is more a paint-tin and whistle band. But when the sound of their approach is carried on the wind, their drumming raises the hairs on the back of your neck.
