Saturday, February 09, 2013

New books for old?

Lady Eleanor's Secret was first published an an e-book by Aurora Regency last year and has now arrived in print as a LP with Thorpe. This means my book can now reach a new audience - readers who don't have a Kindle/Nook/ or ipad. As always Thorpe have given it a lovely cover.  This was the last book I wrote for Robert Hale many years ago -Mr Hale wanted it -but as my last book failed to sell out he changed his mind.
Released on Feb 1st as LP.
Coming out as an e-book entitled  'A House Party' later this month.

The House Party was published by Hale and Thorpe (This is the Hale cover) and will be published by me as an e-book - with a great cover by Jane Dixon-Smith - very soon.
I'm editing the book now - it's amazing how much I've learned as a writer since this book was published. Writing for Musa/Aurora was hard work but they taught me a lot about tightening my story and cutting out  unnecessary words. For some reason the editor at Hale at the time changed many sentences so that they began with a dangling gerund - so have had to remove all those. (I didn't even know what this was until writing for Musa.)
I had forgotten how exiting the book is - would you believe I was actually reading my own story with real enjoyment? I was thinking - did I write this? However did I think of that plot twist?
Another thing that will be new for old is my website - Jane Dixon-Smith has taken it over and it looks great.
Why not have a look tomorrow and see what you think?


  1. Congrats to you!! Looking forward to seeing what you'll write next!

  2. Thanks girlygirl. About to start a WW2 romance for MWPN.
