Monday, September 09, 2013

Why do we write?

To be published on Amazon in October.
As I stare at my computer listening to the gentle hiss of my Bluetooth headset, staring at the last sentence I have just dictated, I am wondering why I am sitting here when I would much rather be downstairs eating chocolate and watching Doctors.
The Duke's Proposal is the first new story I have written since early 2012. I have spent the past 18 months editing and reissuing my long backlist, as well as putting up on Amazon and Smashwords three new books. What I really wanted to write was the second part of my World War II historical, Barbara's War, but decided it might be easier to regenerate my writing brain by starting with something less difficult. Having written so many Regency romantic adventures over the past 10 years I know this genre and the history of this period.
I wrote my first full-length book when I was around 12 years old, I suppose it would be called fan fiction nowadays, as it was my version of a Lorna Hill book. I used to go especially to Foyle's in order to buy the next in the series of pony stories – I think my particular favourite was "So Guy CameToo."
My father and brother laughed at my book and I didn't write anything else until I was in my twenties. In between bringing up my two children, and working at various menial and professional jobs, I scribbled away in pencil on whatever pieces of paper I could find. I completed three contemporary romances and at least six M&B partials. Throughout my teaching career I always held on to the belief that I would be a published author one-day.
Now I have over 30 books traditionally published and three new titles indie published. I no longer define myself as a teacher, wife, mother, grandmother – but as a writer. It's what I am. My friends are mainly writers too, which helps as writing is a strange profession which only another writer understands.
I write because it's what I want to do, it's what gets me up in the morning and sends me happily to sleep at night. Knowing I have written a chapter, or edited several, makes me feel my day has not been wasted. Rather like the feeling I used to have when my children were small – however boring the day had been, I was fulfilled by knowing I had cared for my children.
Nowadays I am writing for my readers as well as myself, I am constantly amazed and thrilled that my books are being purchased in their thousands and usually enjoyed. Finally receiving a decent income from my work is another incentive to keep writing.
Why do you write? Would you carry on writing if you knew nobody else was going to read your work? I know I would – I think most writers believe that one day their work will be appreciated, even if it is years after their demise.
Fenella J Miller


  1. Lovely post, Fenella. I couldn't agree more.

  2. We writers are a strange lot -but then all creative people are.

  3. Interesting post, Fenella. I, too, enjoyed Fiona Hill's books - but I preferred the ballet ones like 'Veronica at the Wells' rather than the horsey ones. Though some of them managed to be both!

  4. I loved the ballet school books, too. I read voraciously as a child and I loved writing from an early age, too. It always felt natural to me. I would write even if I wasn't published, in fact that's exactly what I did for many years. Having people read and enjoy my books is the icing on the cake.


  5. Elizabeth, I bought the full set of the Wells books a few years ago and re-read them. they were still enjoyable.
