This year is the UK's National Year of Reading, a country-wide campaign to encourage people to join libraries and to read for pleasure or personal advancement. The slogan is 'Reading - Anytime, Anything, Anywhere'. UK Regency authors Louise Allen and Nicola Cornick have been appointed as Writers in Residence for Hertfordshire and Wiltshire respectively, and will be getting out into the community to promote the joys of reading, offering talks and workshops and an insight into a writer’s life and a Regency author’s life in particular.
Harlequin Mills and Boon said of their involvement in the programme: `We are thrilled to be part of the National Year of Reading during our centenary year, because if anyone knows the value of a good book, it's our fantastic Mills and Boon authors!' We look forward to going out and talking about reading, writing and the Regency!
Congratulations to Mill and Boons and all the wonderful authors working to promote reading.
What a lovely idea!
Thanks, Georgie, thanks Gillian! We are very pleased to be involved and I think it is going to be great fun!
Louise and Nicola are wonderful ambassadors for reading in general and especially for the romance genre. Congratulations to them both and I wish them every success for their year "in residence" - anything that introduces more people to the joy of reading must be a good thing!
Jane said...
This is a "me too" post, but I'd like to echo what Melinda said.
The Year of Reading is a brilliant concept, and in Louise and Nicola we have two excellent authors helping promote it.
Good Luck both of you.
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