I'm interrupting The Twelve Days of Christmas to bring you the great cover debate!

I've just received the new cover for the trade paperback of Darcy's Diary (now called Mr Darcy's Diary) and debate is raging as to which is the best cover, the hardback (left) or paperback (right).
Let me know which you prefer!
The trade paperback is now available to order from Amazon US (release date February 2007) by clicking
here It's available to pre-order from Amazon UK (release date March 2007) by clicking here
Amanda Grange
Torn between them! I like parts of the HB best - the brightness of the cover is good, but I also like the full face cover. What pleases me is that it is coming in trade paperback and should be available to more of us at a reasonable price. I for one intend to buy it.
Paperback for me!
Marg from http://readingadventures.blogspot.com
Paperback for me too. The lips make me think of Darcy's self-control, and in general that half-face looks more severe than the full-face in the hardback.
I like both but there is something about the the paperback version which just makes you stop and gasp. It's absolutely gorgeous, very suggestive and evocative!
I think it is the eyes that make the difference. While I do like the resemblance of the paperback more, the half-face evokes a kind of "Darcy-as-object" impression. The full-face hardcover is more to the spirit of the book, then, being a work that uncovers more of who Darcy really is. It's all in the eyes (windows to the soul and all that jazz).
I like the way the man in the hardback looks out at you, but I prefer the colours on the paperback.
The paperback does it for me.
This is really tough. Keep looking back and forth between the two because on one hand the hc is great but on the other hand, the pb is great for other reasons. .. But if I must (LOL), I'll go with the pb. :)
The man in the hardback looks too soft for Darcy. The man in the paperback looks as though he'd be proud (if you could see him :-))
My favorite is the one on the right -- love the colors, and the powerful, resolute jaw.
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