After a build-up that began in our shops in October suddenly Christmas is all over for another year. When my children were small we always has a house full of people and I regularly cooked Christmas lunch for fourteen or more. This year, after several family gatherings earlier in the week, my husband and I spent a mild, sunny Christmas Day walking the cliffs at Cape Cornwall so I could take photographs of rocky coves suitable for smugglers then had turkey sandwiches for lunch. It was lovely.
I had hoped to post a cover photo of Dangerous Waters but it hasn't arrived yet, so fingers crossed for next time.
The weather turned really nasty a couple of days ago. We didn't get snow, just gales and rain. So I asked my husband to do something I've been putting off for far too long - take some new photos of me for my website, this blog, and the Press Release for Dangerous Waters. I loathe having my photograph taken. If I have to hold a smile my cheeks ache and it looks totally artificial. But my husband has a really nice camera and I'm relaxed with him. I thought a few snaps and it would all be over - like a visit to the dentist. But when he carried in halogen lights and put blue polythene covers over them to simulate daylight my heart sank. When he put on some music, hung up a rug to provide a non-reflective background and chose the top I should wear for contrast it sank even further. Then he made me laugh and what began as an ordeal turned into an hour of hilarity. He used up two films. Fingers crossed there'll be one print I like.
For me one of the joys of writing is research. History is my passion and I love learning about the way people lived. But sometimes a fact that I want for a story can prove elusive. I've been trying to find out when a ring was first given to celebrate a betrothal. So far no luck. If anyone out there knows, I'd love to hear from you. Meanwhile all the very best for 2006 from Jane Jackson.
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