Now, of course, more fun starts when the editors dissect them for the continuity points that we’ve missed and we all find ourselves reworking bits to make the entire overarching story flow perfectly.
And we’ve got a name - Regency Silk and Scandals - although no titles yet for the individual books within the continuity.
I was lucky enough to get numbers 1 and 7 to write, so I had the fun - and rather scary - job of getting the story rolling and then gathering up the threads to hand over to Chris Merrill who has brought it home to its conclusion. Although I used to write with a partner as Francesca Shaw I’ve never worked like this before, with five people of whom I knew only one slightly - and with all of us hundreds of miles apart and on several different time zones.
I doubt we could have done it without email and our own Yahoo group. I looked this morning and the email file for the continuity was up to 1414 messages.

We had fun and headaches coming up with the overarching story - which in the beginning was a little like trying to bottle fog while we batted ideas back and forth across the Atlantic.
At first the publication date of 2010 seemed an age away and then the reality of deadlines began to bite. But despite some panics we got there in the end with very supportive editorial guidance and by August we had our characters and our 8 individual plotlines worked out. We've been writing - and emailing - flat out ever since. For anyone else lucky enough to try this, I strongly recommend lots of spreadsheets and family trees!
What is it all about? Well, very flippantly I described it at one stage as “The Scandals of the Murdered Baron’s Mystery Gypsy Lovechild’s Forbidden Revenge Quest Involving Virgins and At Least One Earl” and that is still true - but it misses out the French spy, the smuggler, the outrageous marriage service at St George’s, Hanover Square, one very respectable young lady on the battlefield at Waterloo, the love child of a high ranking English lord, a feisty milliner with a pistol - and more.

The pictures are St George's Hanover Square, Waterloo after the battle and the gorgeous inspiration for my hero of book 1, Marcus Carlow.
Louise Allen
Well, I'm hooked already! I do love your subtitle. Shame it probably wouldn't fit on the cover.
Wow. I can't wait to read these books. The concept and the writers dedication sounds both fun and terrifying. I also defy any reader not to be enthalled.
And knowing what im like with your books Louise ill be pulling my hair out waiting for the rest of the series to be released as ill have finished each one in a day.
Its amazing that I get through so many of these books and still have a life, study and do two jobs lol :)
Cant wait for it to begin.
Sounds great. 2010 is only a year away!
This sounds amazing, my mind is boggling with the challenges you must have overcome. Fascinating. Can't wait to read them!
Best wishes
I love the sound of this, I shall have to watch out for it!
Thanks for the enthusiastic response everyone. It feels a bit flat now with them all off and out of our hands, but I expect they'll soon be bouncing back for continuity revisions. Annie, Margaret & I will be writing something in the RNA's Romance Matters about the whole experience later in the year
I was just thinking... Nine months... That's one heck of a multiple birth.
Congratulations Louise to you and the other authors on this fantastic achievement! I am in awe (and shock). Looking forward to the launch!
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