Scary Stuff
I imagine we all know that moment when our precious (or indeed precocious) creation leaves the protective cocoon of anonymity to be launched into publication.

The first of my four set against a backdrop of World War Two, Annie Groves, sagas, Goodnight Sweetheart (ISBN 0-00-720963-0 Harpercollins) made its own mad dash for the shelves of the nation's booksellers on 7th August. What will happen to it now that it's there is already causing me sleepless nights. Will it languish - virginal and untouched? Will it catch the eye of some passing bold purchaser and be whisked off for hopefully mutual pleasure? Will it suffer the ignominy of rejection, not pretty enough or clever enough to be invited to join the ranks of the 'sold'?
Just thinking about the above makes me want to clutch my book to my bosom like any anxious parent asking those heartfelt questions. Did I do enough for my characters? Did I instil them with confidence and charm? Did I give their story that all imortant page turning quality? Will my research stand up to close inspection?
In other words will my 'baby'sell? Will it earn out? And probably most important of all, will I get another contract? (vbg)
Read one of my earlier sagas by buying the new book on a bogof* at Asda which includes 'Connie's Courage' the middle book of the trio of Pride Family books.
Annie Groves/Penny Jordan
*bogof - buy one, get one free
To buy Goodnight Sweetheart from Amazon, click here
With your flair for story-telling I have no doubt your baby will do well. Good luck with this new series.
I'm game. But when does your "baby" hit the bookshelves in North America?
Goodnight Sweetheart's available from Amazon now, and should be available in shops now, too
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