Haddon Hall is a fortified medieval manor house dating from the 12th Century, and is the home of Lord and Lady Edward Manners whose family have owned it since 1567. Situated in Bakewell, Derbyshire, England, it's well worth a visit, especially for those with an interest in Jane Eyre. It was used as a location in the Zeferelli film of Jane Eyre, and it is to be used again in the forthcoming TV miniseries.
I visited Haddon Hall this Easter just after they had finished filming. Apparently the fire scene was so realistic that many local people called the fire brigade as they thought the Hall was really burning down!
I hope the cicadas are a little quieter in this version of Jane Eyre than they were in the Zefferelli film (Cicadas in Derbyshire, I hear you cry? You had better ask Mr Z about that one!)
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