This cover is from the first of the Melford Dynasty. The third is being published next month in America and the fourth is with the publisher being read. This series has not yet been published in Uk.
It will be Christmas in a few weeks. How this year has flown, perhaps because I am busy all the time. I love my job and it never seems like work to write about my heroes and heroine. I have been so very lucky! Including recent ebooks I have had more than one hundred books published already and I am still completing contracts already signed. It is such a privilege to be published and I am so grateful to my publishers and particularly my readers.
My latest Anne Herries is at this moment number 3 in Harlequin Historical and 4 in Mills & Boon at amazon and two more of my books are in the top 10 in HH - when I looked this morning. It is such a lovely feeling to know that people enjoy my books. My publisher recently asked if I would do another Ottoman Empire book because Captive of the Harem has done so well - it has been published in several countries overseas and translated many times. Of course I said yes because I love this period almost as much as Regency.
Some of us are going to be writing Christmas stories for you, individual ones this year, because not everyone can manage it. I have enjoyed thinking of how people spent their time in Regency days, and although the Christmas tree did not come in until Victorian times they knew how to enjoy themselves and sent gifts and often handmade cards. The ladies and gentlemen of the Regency period loved beautiful things. The silver, glass and various objects d'art clearly show us they were admirers of fine things, as well as their furniture, which is amongst the most elegant ever made by craftsmen. I often regret the age of elegance and wish that life could be a little slower and happier for everyone. I believe that we are in the main a caring society today, but we have the same problems with things like drinking and homelessness that they had then. When I think of beautiful young women destroying their lives by binge drinking on a Saturday I cannot help but think of the misery of the poor in Georgian times who drank gin because they had no hope; they didn't have a chance of a better life, our young people do.
So looking forward to Christmas and continuing to write happy stories that will give my readers something to brighten their day!
Lovely cover, Anne and well done on having so many books published (and lots more in the pipeline, too.
Looking forward to the Christmas stories.
You are a legend Anne. A great inspiration to us all and a fabulous imaginative writer. It is a great talent to cover so many diverse eras and genres and do it so brilliantly. Here's to the next 100 books.
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